Human Rights Complaints in Edmonton

Human Rights Complaints

Championing Human Rights – Abougoush Law’s Unwavering Support for Human Rights Complaints

At Abougoush Law, we believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect in their workplace. Our employment law firm in Edmonton, Alberta, is dedicated to protecting and upholding human rights in the workplace. If you have experienced discrimination, harassment, or other violations of your human rights, our compassionate and confident team is here to guide you through the process of filing and pursuing Human Rights Complaints.

Human Rights Complaints

Understanding Human Rights Complaints

Human Rights Complaints are filed when individuals believe they have experienced unfair treatment or discrimination based on protected characteristics, such as race, gender, age, disability, religion, and more. As a leading employment law firm specializing in human rights cases, we are well-versed in the intricacies of the Alberta Human Rights Act and other relevant legislation. Our expertise empowers us to navigate the complexities of your complaint with precision and compassion.

Why Choose Abougoush Law for Your Human Rights Complaint?

Human Rights law is a specialized field, encompassing a web of federal, state, and local regulations that protect individuals from discrimination and violations of their fundamental rights.  With a profound understanding of human rights legislation, we possess the knowledge and experience to handle even the most intricate human rights complaints. Our firm’s relentless pursuit of justice has yielded positive outcomes for numerous clients, and we are committed to doing the same for you.

Initiating a Human Rights complaint can be emotionally challenging. An attorney offers peace of mind, guiding and easing the process of addressing discrimination and rights violations. At Abougoush Law, we approach each case with compassion and empathy, providing you with unwavering support throughout the process.

Individuals who assert their rights through Human Rights complaints may face the risk of retaliation or further discrimination. An attorney can help protect your interests, monitor for retaliatory actions, and ensure that you are not subjected to additional harm. As passionate advocates for human rights, we stand firm against discrimination and harassment in all its forms. Our team is unafraid to challenge powerful entities and will fight relentlessly to ensure your rights are protected and upheld.

Human Rights complaints involve specific legal procedures, including filing complaints with relevant agencies, responding to inquiries, participating in investigations, and potentially pursuing litigation. During our initial consultation, we will listen attentively to your experiences, analyzing the details of your situation to determine the best course of action. This thorough evaluation enables us to develop a robust strategy to pursue justice on your behalf.

We bring specialized legal expertise, strategic guidance, and a commitment to protecting your rights. We can navigate the complexities of Human Rights law, maximize your chances of success, and help you secure a just resolution for the violations you’ve experienced. These deep-rooted beliefs in the importance of human rights fuels our confidence in handling these cases. With Abougoush Law by your side, you can rest assured that your rights will be represented with competence and unwavering determination.

Our Step by Step Process for Evaluating Your Human Rights Complaints

In-Depth Consultation

During the initial consultation, we will attentively listen to your experiences, providing a safe space to share your concerns and aspirations. Together, we will determine if a human rights complaint is the appropriate course of action.

Thorough Investigation

Our experienced team will conduct a detailed investigation to gather evidence and build a compelling case in support of your human rights complaint. We will leave no stone unturned to uncover the truth and advocate for your rights.

Skilled Negotiation

We will explore opportunities for resolution through negotiation, advocating assertively for your interests and seeking an amicable settlement whenever possible.

Vigorous Representation

Should negotiations not lead to a satisfactory resolution, we are prepared to represent you in human rights tribunals or court. Our experienced litigators will assertively present your case and pursue the justice you deserve.


If you lost your job for any reason, talk to us first. 

We will assess your circumstances.

Employers frequently mishandle severance payouts and we almost always secure improved results for our clients.